Hi, I’m Martin Stacey, and in that lovely circle to the right is Neil Gittins.
Let’s start at the beginning. Our childhoods were pretty similar; both inquisitive sensitive boys who didn’t think or feel the same as the people around them. So we escaped into our imaginations. In this internal world, we both began to feel there was a bigger truth out there and were called to explore and search for answers.
Creativity become our way of bringing this internal world into existence, and we immersed ourselves in learning how to communicate and express ourselves through visual language.
When we graduated uni and got jobs in the creative industry we felt like the luckiest people alive! People were paying us to do something we loved, and we worked our butts off saying yes to every opportunity and created animations for pretty much every big brand and format imaginable, including commercials, tv idents, film, music videos, online, large-scale events and concerts.
It was an amazing education, but after a while, it dawned on us that we were just being used to sell things that nobody needed. The work had no meaning or purpose.
It was around this time that myself and Neil met each other. We had so much in common that we decided to start creating work together, and that’s how Easy Animal began. Together we were greater than the sum of our parts; like a third person was in the room, and all we had to do was listen to them and the ideas flowed.
In Easy Animal we have finally found a meaningful way to use our creative skills. To make sure it stays that way we’ve made these three things central to our work:
visualising conceptual ideas;
helping people understand themselves and their place in the universe;
helping to make the world a better place.