
How we do it

Animation Studio helping educational brands share their knowledge with the world, so their vision makes a lasting impact on humanity.

How we do it

Step 1

First of all, we begin by creating a creative brief, which makes sure we’re all clear on the challenge to be solved. Are there any KPI’s, how will we measure success, and who are we trying to influence?

This becomes the seed from which everything grows.

Step 2
Initial Script

You may already have a script, or we may need to work collaboratively to shape the information into a coherent story. An animation is only as good as the script it is built upon, so it’s worth taking the time to get this step right.

Step 3

Next, we immerse ourselves in the material and use our creative experience to find the most elegant and exciting way to bring the project to life. This often involves mood boards, conversations and rough sketches. Then we create a boardomatic by editing the rough sketches with a guide voiceover to start to get a sense of how the structure of the animation will work. At this stage we also create style frames, to explore how the final animation will look as a still image.

Step 4

Once the style and ideas have been agreed we can start translating the rough sketches from the boardomatic into beautiful final artwork and then turn those into a final boardamatic which gives a much better sense of how the final piece will look and feel.

Step 5

Now’s the time to bring all the ingredients together. Animation brings the artwork to life and we add final voiceover, music and SFX to unify it into one coherent vision.

Step 6

We’re there at the end to support you in getting the results you set out to achieve, and we can also discuss next steps to sustain the momentum we’ve built into the future.

If you’d like to talk about how we could help you, then